The Golden Ratio

Multiple counting
The Ergo Sum project
combines music and mathematics
as a neurological tool
to understand
brain activity
and to improve
mind balance.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
An innovative "Multiple Counting" on Johann Sebastian Bach's "Goldberg Variations" becomes a powerful tool to organize
brain activity.​
Our existence is utterly based on emotions, they make us feel alive and for this reason we always want more and more, so today's biggest challenge is to learn how to manage the amount of emotional stimuli we are overwhelmed with everyday.
The multiple counting applied to music allows us to synchronize the neurological processes connected with mental balance and phsyco-physical wellbeing so that while the brain spontaneously opens the access to emotions by listening to music, the mathematical aspect works as an organizer.
L'esperienza profonda della musica
Friday, February 8th 2019
Presentation of the book @ Fondazione Carifano.
Phd Luigi Maria Bianchini (Neuropsychologist)
Phd Fabiola Pacassoni (Coordinator of the Margherita Alzheimer center)
Prof Arianna Piermattei (Moderator)
M. Stefano Vagnini e Giorgia Ragni
Math&Music for a Healthy Mind
How about keeping your body in good shape?
Is your daily food healthy?
And what about your mind?
Are you doing anything to keep your brain sharp?
Our brain is our mind, our identity, our view of the world... our happyness.
Just as the body, our brain needs our attention: we can't introduce junk and garbage in our mind with no consequences!
We have to respect the most important organ, by avoiding what is dangerous and by recognizing what is good for our brain's health.
Ergo Sum
is a practice that takes care of our mind and aims to enhance concentration skills.
Music and maths together for a conscious and aware approach of our cognitive abilities engaged in the listening/counting process.
Stefano Vagnini
Giorgia Ragni
a Global Brain Xperience
Every moment of our life is a wonderful experience of our brain activity.
Every second thousands of inputs spur our senses creating the image of the reality from which we emotionally react by building hypothesis, ideas, cultures... Making our daily step of the human history.
Humans find themselves connected in their cultures and each culture's social-mind works just as an individual mind works: emotionally and rationally.
In the brain's right emisphere lays our creative side, our emotional aspect. The left side of the brain is analytic and rational.
Everything we do, think and choose is a product of the right side as an emotional reactions to reality...
The left part's role is to find a logical sense of our thoughts or actions, so we believe that we are acting rationally.
When brain deals with music (performing or listening) is challenged to manage inputs and outputs in many simultaneous ways as it happens during daily activities.
The power of music, art and culture is the opportunity to see, study and research how to interact with the most important human organ.
Understanding our brain we will face the humanity future with relevant tools to increase individual and social quality of life avoiding cosmic mistakes and catastrophes