Societies, cultures and traditions can be considered as a form of EGO sharing. We share with others what we are not able to achieve as individuals, organizing a common life of relations where lies and truth are mixed in a fake, sustainable signed agreement.
It is a natural activity and I personally don't blame or judge any Ego involvement and as a researcher I am interested in the social and individual ego effects in any human activity.
As I say in my Music Research Epistemology article, the Ego creates the contemporary language of art.
Music for instance, is commonly considered as the perfect emotional tool: as the tv news or movies, music triggers emotions (basic chemical ormonal reactions that we should use in different situations.
A thriller movie triggers adrenaline, our heart beat increases pushing the blood to our legs to escape from a dangerous situation... but we do not run away from the movie... so adrenaline is not absorbed... Our body is Poisoned by our ormonal activity!)
Think every day how many stressful situations we face... when the poison reaches high levels, we get sick...
The good news is that music is a tool that was originally conceived as a medicine to unpoison our body, but we need start using music in an different way!

The Karaoke mania, together with X Factor or The Voice formats, shows that music is no longer something to listen to but something to participate to... to perform... to win... socially!
Thanks to a perfect Ego social/individual synchronized action, each one can use adrenaline overdoses to sing, play and dance, unpoisoning the body.
Contemporary Art, Music has become an opportunity to express individuals therapy. It doesn't matter if you are good or not!
The society is programmed to digest each individual Ego activity, sloughing into a different system where individuals need set up a balance.
Indian and western historical music has been conceived as a medicine to restore the individual healthy emotional (ormonal) balance.
Is the ancient repertoire still effective for the second millennium human being?