by Giorgia Ragni
Covid 19 or how I like to call it the year of awareness and awaken of conscience.
Covid 19 has been classified has a pandemic.

Pandemic, from the two Greek words ''pan'' (all) and ''demos'' (people), it literally means
the entire population. The word itself does not carry a negative connotation, it does not mean disease, it just suggests that the entire earth population is involved, and sharing something at a global level.
This is the reason why I see Covid19 neither as a postive or a negative time, but just as an experience the entire world population is facing.
The world is having the chance of living a period of self isolation, and social distancing......a sort of compulsory meditation to dig and explore the inner self investigating all sorts of aspects of our spiritual, mental and physical life.
The entire population needed a forced, unwanted break, like a sort of Sabbatical to refresh the body and the mind without knowing how much it was needed.
People were waiting for a shocking event in order to wake up the sleeping left side of the brain which was acting in total auto-pilot mode for way too long.
I explain mysefl better.
The right side of the brain is the one responsible for the emotional response, as we have already mentioned in several other articles. This means that when the first news about Coronavirus came out, the right side was the one first hit and impressed. Overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions raging from fear, panic, uncertainty, rage and saddness, the mind needed time to accept the situation and slowly digest it. Once the mind is calm and the news gets old (pun intended:)!), the information is ready to migrate from the right to the left side of the brain, where rationality is ready to absorb it and elaborate it, in other words is ready to make the best of it!

We have been called to make a change in our lives, whether by reducing the working hours, the stress, the tv hours, the useless, vain and undesired gatherings or the fake hugs, by changing jobs, partners, cities or adopting a life that is more modest and less mondane....... we would have hardly made it without Covid. Covid is and has been our unexpected but subconsciously desired chance to think different and finally act different; the occasion to make every moment of our life, every little and insignificant movement, every small daily decision in full awareness by using both Hemispheres consciously!
During this long period of restrictions and isolation the input should have had the time and the silence to move to the opposite side, become rational, logical and ultimately transform itself into a blessing !

Let's take the auto-pilot out and fly our mind into places we couldn't even imagine existed!