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Active VS. Passive Healing


Aggiornamento: 31 ott 2020

by Giorgia Ragni

It is easier to look for a medicine to cure our illnesses or discomfort, rather than actively doing something to heal ourselves.

We have been convinced that the solution is far out as opposed to within ourselves.

It's probably our lazy mind who refuses to choose the alternative solution because it requires too much effort.

Although we have been told that a little bit of body stretching every day can solve muscular tensions, for example, still our mind keeps telling us we need a massage or a magical ointment, in other words a passive way to achieve the desired wellness.

We are more and more unwilling to actively do something about it, we would rather go for a passive action, without thinking, the "something or somebody else will take care of our recovery" type of attitude in order to avoid a daily demanding commitment.

Nonetheless, most of the time we are totally unaware of our indolent choices.

Not only that, but time is also a crucial factor: it is easier and faster to just get a miracle drug and wait half an hour to see the pain gone, rather than consciously trying to feel what is wrong with our body and mind balance and intervene with our inner energy.

We are absolutely fully equipped with all we need to restore the lost equilibrium.

Ergo Sum first goal is to lift awareness for all the decisions we make, here and now.

Once we are aware, we will not need tablets or doctors as much anymore because we are able to listen to our body and our inner voice. We hear our needs and the priority becomes a 365 degrees healthy life style.

Knowing and feeling in advance what is right and wrong for our health, we will constantly make the right choice and we will end up taking daily good care of our body: eating healthy food, drinking lots of hot water, strengthening our immune system with cold water showers, sufficient sleep hours and a stress-free environment ......



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