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Music and Epigenetic


Aggiornamento: 6 gen 2022

The Collective Unconscious is made of many layers, each one related to the different identities of belonging groups (country, community, city, region, religion...). The family represents one of these layers.

The main message that Prof. Pecorelli together with Dr. Ganguli shares is that the DNA programmes installed into the ‘germ cells’ (the sperms in the male semen and the ova in the female ovary) are based on the thought patterns, attitudes, behaviour & lifestyles of the couple and those get transmitted to the foetus.

This is EPIGENETICS. The genetic propensities get modified due to the impact of environment.

Music can be compared to the human perception of life... Any musical composition develops following ontological patterns and elements that humans perceive as living creatures....We all like music because we see in it what we actually are in deepness .

Listening to music is like watching from outside the awareness mechanism process working inside of us: resolved dissonances, crescendos or slowing down tempo are the representation of human life experience in the sounds' domain.

Collective unconscious reveals itself through music thanks to the latter's peculiar propriety of sythesizing indidividual and social experiences through forms and aesthetics.

But this is only a little and most superficial part of music's potentials.

A special approach in music composition needs to be set up:

  • A profound dialogue between sounds and listener, beyond any aesthetics has to become the fundamental purpose of the composer

  • Any listener has to be actively involved in the musical experience

  • The performer should not focus on WHAT to play but on HOW to play it

  • Any musical element needs to be disassembled in order to be rebuilt in relation to the brain structure, beyond aesthetics rules.


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