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Panchakosha Neuromusic III - Manomaya


Classical music, from every culture (European, Indian, Chinese...) represents the highest possible level of 'Smart' (transient, temporary, passing) and 'Short-lived' (where the happy feeling lingers for a little longer and the experience can get stored in memory to be retrieved later on call) Happiness.

In classical music both rational and emotional brain emispheres compete and fight trying to understand the ununderstandable.

Lyrics meanings are less important than images and stories evocated by timbres, rhythms, complex harmonies and virtuoso tecniques.

The emotional part is deeply triggered while the rational look for a logical reason to explain the unexpected (chemical/ormonal) reaction to sounds.

Through classical music we share with trained composers longlife researches in the musical field, to understand and reflect on a historical period.

Manomaya is the Panchakosha system location of classical music. Classical music summarizes years of historical cultural evolutions bringing in the present a projection of our heritage.

Audience and a usually the great part of musicians complete their musical experience in the Manomaya zone of consciousness. They believe that classical music represents the top of a musical could be right... if you want to stop your experience in the material world.

The Vijnanamaya and Anandamaya can only be experienced following a will to:

  • Renounce to any rational or analitic approach to music.

  • Renounce to follow any aestetical pleasure.

  • Renounce to any cultural superstructure.

  • Working on the basic and original neuronal connections generated from music.

  • Working to activate automatisms to keep the logical mind far away from the experience.

Panchakoshas (Devanagari: पंचकोश, the five sheaths), are the layers of body that seemingly cover the Atman (Self or Consciousness).



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