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A multitasking therapy to balance our mind


The Ergo SUM practice goal is to balance the analytic and the creative side of the brain.

Both parts work for the same body and help in the same things you’re currently trying to do. But what differs is the way in which each half would like to get the work done. To be concise, the left half of the brain deals with the verbal aspect of thinking, while the right half deals with the non-verbal aspect.

Verbal thinking means a logical approach towards a goal using facts and details, thorough comprehension and practical as well as safe. The right half deals with a task on an emotional level, being perceptive and often fantasy-oriented, while having an affinity to taking risks.

So we all born inbalanced...and when imbalance becomes stronger it will evolve in disease, first just psychological and then physichal.

So we have two problems:

  1. Considering our right or left hemisphere approach as our unchangeble nature, we live developing our favorite side of the brain increasing the imbalance.

  2. The language of the liberal western world is emotional based. Advertising and media comunication goes straight to the emotional centers of the brain working against a healthy balance.

It is so important to set the mind balance as a fundamental goal: growing our unseveled side becoming something else of how we are born, and we need to filter the brainwashing inputs of the media.

Meditation could be a solution... meditation works to free our mind from thoughts and emotions: when your mind will be completely clean you will be balanced.

But it is not easy to wipe a stressed mind pushed to work hard and fast!

When our brain deals with music the two sides are both involved in a syncronized work.

The Ergo Sum practice is oriented to connect the activities of the two sides of the brain using a combination of MUSIC and MATHS.

The ERGO SUM therapy works on the multitasking ability of the brain: listening music while counting bars and beats, will teach your brain to think simultaneously in different levels, restoring a natural harmony.


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