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Ergo Sum

Multiple Counting


The Golden Ratio


Multiple counting

Multiple counting  (Multicounting) is numbering simultaneously.

Training the brain to utter different 
layers of number sequences,  
multicounting enhances focus and concentration, improving the short term memory.

Multicounting balances emotional and rational brain activities, restoring psycological and physical equilibrium.

Multiple counting syncronizes the brain activity with positiv effects on dyslexia or dyscalculia.

Multiple counting can be both practiced in groups as alone.


Ergo Sum



taking care of our brain we take care of the world

Healthy mind ⇆ Healthy body

Mens sana in corpore sano

Healthy mind

Emotions are biological states associated with the nervous system brought on by neurophysiological changes variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioural responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure.

Hippocrates in Greece and the traditional oriental medicine they all agree that disease is the effect of unleashed emotions. 

Multiple counting applyed to emotinal inputs is a tool for reorganize the rational-emotional balance.

The power of Mathematics is abstraction...

thanks to abstraction we can change the real world just
working on the image
elaborated by 
the mind

Abstraction and logic

Mathematicians seek and use patterns to formulate new conjectures; they resolve the truth or falsity of such by mathematical proof.


When mathematical structures are good models of real phenomena, mathematical reasoning can be used to provide insight or predictions about nature.


Through the use of abstraction and logic, mathematics developed from countingcalculationmeasurement, and the systematic study of the shapes and motions of physical objects.


Practical mathematics has been a human activity from as far back as written records exist. ​

Stefano Vagnini - Ideatore


Counting with a friend or a group of people split in two parts;

one part following the upper sequence and the second saying the string below.

Counting by yourself following simultaneously the two sequences.

Be patient and practice the double counting pronouncing one of the two strings while your mind says the other.

contrary base 5.gif

Counting simultaneously back and forward will improve mind plasticity. 

Start saying loud the numbers on the left and following the numbers on right arrow.


Multiple counting is commonly used in music and dance choreography: a sequence is a loop (beats) and the bars are the progressive strings.

This example is a 3/4 tempo speed 60 beat per minute.

Unbalanced by nature

Right and left emispheres work combining rationality and emotions; neurologically an unbalanced mind is the result of an unbalanced brain activity.


Recent studies demonstrate that we get our decisions by following our subconscious and we use the rational brain side to make our choices look logical. This happens because the emotional reaction is faster, more istinctive and rapid than the rational one.


So, in a way, we are all unbalanced by nature toward the emotive part and today, the speed of inputs makes the rational side work harder.

In a liberist economy, media, commercials and the entire communication system targets the emotional side of the consumer just because the emotional side is faster and easier to stimulate.

The key lays in the improvement of the mind balance by identifying, studying, researching, and  implementing cutting edge strategies and tools to help and increase our left side brain activity.


The ERGO SUM practice takes care of our mind and aims to enhance concentration skills.


Music and maths together for a conscious and aware approach of our cognitive abilities engaged in the listening/counting process.


  • Sono Ergo Sum
  • Stefano Vagnini
  • Stefano e Giorgia
  • Stefano Vagnini
  • Stefano Vagnini

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