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by Stefano Vagnini
 Ergo Sum 
Brain Experience
Multiple Counting
please test the volume of your headphones before play the track to avoid loudness injuries
The frequencies 1; 2; 3; 5; 8 and 13
are below the human hearing threshold. 
To generate these infra-sounds I used binaural beats.


Music and emotions are strongly interconnected. Our brain's right side converts sounds organized in melodies and harmonies into emotional inputs.

The Golden Ratio's targets the right side of the brain with a NON familiar sound language to limit the emotional automatic response.

The Golden Ratio is an acousmatic composition based on frequencies from the Fibonacci's sequence:


 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34; 55; 89; 144; 233; 377; 610; 987; 1597; 2584; 4181; 6765; 10946; 17711             

Fibonacci Frequencies

The nature procedes following fractals paths based on the golden sequence.


practicing DMX 

The DMX (Deep Music Experience) practice consists of a multiple count associated with the 30 Goldberg Variations by J.S.Bach.


The Golden Ratio is a modular acousmatic composition by Stefano Vagnini made of 16 modules to interpolate to each variation. 

The session will start with the first module of The Golden Ratio.

During the all DMX session you will wear headphones to be focused on the counting and to listen to The Golden Ratio electronic compositions.

The session will start with the first module of The Golden Ratio.

Each participant can choose to play one of the 15 modules.

The DMX session will end with a variation.

Practicing DMX



Stefano Vagnini

Ultrashort compositions to be played or combined.


Inspired by the Goldberg Variations. 

shot synphonies

some modular music xamples
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