Music is built of organized sounds in a period of time. The tempo is given at the beginning of the piece by the composer, and it is expressed in fraction.
If we have a 3/4 tempo, for example, it means that each bar is composed by 3 elements of 1/4 each.
In my method, we count pulses and measures out loud while the musician is playing.
Everybody can easily count with minimal effort.
Therefore, a high level of concentration is not required to access complex levels of calculation on a step by step basis.
A musician guides the experience, sort of a very informal concert without the show, a sort of therapy or a group meditation.
The participant are relaxed, seated or lying down and, while the musician is playing, they count measures and pulses on the hand phalanges, following given numerical schemes.
Baroque counterpoint based compositions are the most suitable for the experience, especially Johann Sebastian Bach music, because its perfect balance involves without being emotionally intrusive.
