From the ancient times, the human's shared belief was that to create a civilized society any member has to control or even repress instinctive and emotionale reactions in favour of more rational and logical attitude.
A modern approach embraces a milder strategy: forgiveness, rehabilitation and comprehension are the keywords for the contemporary social living.
In both ways, we attempt an emotional approach to control an emotional environment... with a not-linear reactions as final result: any emotional tool will find his hidden way to control the subject in many unconscious patterns.
Improve a different approach to brain balancing, based on logical patterns is fundamental for both individuals and society.

A brain activity balance can be a natural result of a mind trained in counting: the rational hemisphere (lest) will cooperate with the right (emotional), trying to not take control but respecting their inbred role.
Of course music is the best field to improve our strategy... Using G.W. Leibniz words: music is the pleasure of counting without knowing it.
We all act emotionally, and use our rational part trying to fit our choices in a logical boxes ... this is the brain constant hard job: a severe stress that causes mental and physical diseases.
What a beautiful weird adventure: while we are living the life we deeply desire to live, the rational side of our mind screams and pushes our will to other solutions... we must convince the two parts to cooperate... balancing and synchronizing their work!