Music is the most perfect socio/individual mind representation: a unique field of research where individuals and societies share their mind activity building themselves.
My research is grounded on a fundamental similarity that music shares with the brain funcioning: both music and brain works simultaneously as analogic/digital modular devices!

Neurotransmitters and hormones are two different types of chemicals that carry signals from one part of the body to another. Both chemicals play an important part in the body’s physiology. They control a variety of physical and psychological functions, including our mood, our eating patterns, our ability to learn, and our sleep cycles.
Neurotransmitters are released from the presynaptic nerve terminal in the brain. They move across the synaptic cleft, a small space between two adjacent neurons, and move to the next neuron (known as a postsynaptic neuron). There they bind to specific receptors, causing changes in the electrical properties of target cells, which can cause various postsynaptic effects. Neurotransmitters work locally and their actions are very fast. Neurotransmitters activate of hinibit the postsynaptic neuron (digital beheaviour).
Hormones are usually secreted from the endocrine system and released into the bloodstream, but they act on distant target cells. Some hormones, like melatonin and cortisol, are actually produced in the brain, released in the blood, and affect other parts of the body. Hormones work analogically .
Quoting Dr. Emilio Garavaglia from the Politecnico in Milan:
"First of all, let's be clear about the definitions:
An Analog system recognizes continuous continuous time signals.
A Digital system recognizes discrete signals in discrete time.
These two definitions have nothing to do with being the values represented in binary, or n-air, or multi-binary form etc.
The components (neurons) are analog, but with a non-linear behavior (they are mathematically modeled as adders of sigmoids.
By retro-activating two of them you can get the equivalent of a flip-flop (a memory bit) and by cycling an odd number you can get an astable multivibrator (basically an oscillator). These elements form the basis for discretising values and time.
Constructing rings upon rings creates associative memories or both combinatorial and sequential processing functions.
In fact, it is a system that processes signals acquired with a large number of states for repetitive cycles, with the ability to self-generate new functions and new states. This leads it to be a structurally "digital" system (it identifies different things as distinct) but with the ability to go beyond just algorithmic functions allowing it to abstract by analogy through the creation of new connections (a process which is by its nature digital) and their regulation (process by its nature analog).
In practice it works like a digital system, but develops itself in an analog way."
On the other hand, Music combines discrete and continuous elements and while frequencies, agogic, dynamic.... are analogic outputs, everything mathematically quantifiable is discrete (beats and pulses, harmonic ratios, scale temperements...)
Listening to music is a brain promenade...