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Dr. Siddharta Ganguli's Pineal Gland cleaning exercise and Neuro Management


Aggiornamento: 6 dic 2021

Dr. Ganguli research is recently focus on the biological brain reactions to music.

From Dr. Siddhartha Ganguli's article n.12 about the Bliss Molecule (Facebook):

.... I’m giving you now a proven procedure (researched by me) to clean/clear up your ‘Pineal Gland (PG)’/’Third Eye’/’Eye of Horus’. With the polluted environment (both air & water) in which we have to live & work, it is quite natural that the PG will suffer from calcification unless we take proper care & nurture it scientifically.

Step 1: Sit comfortably & relax by loosening your muscular-skeletal frame. You can sit on an armless chair with your hands laid loosely on your lap with interlocked fingers to conserve your AURA. Step 2. Shut your eyes & keep your spine straight. Use your nose (and not the mouth) to breathe deeply by counting: IN (1 2 3 4), HOLD (1), OUT (1 2 3 4 5 6 – a little longer). Make sure that your entire breathing zone, from nose to the bottom of your lower abdomen, participates. Do this cyclically for 9 to 10 times.

Step 3. With your eyes shut, concentrate on your forehead in between your two eyes and try to imagine a white or golden light glowing there.

Step 4. Now you can either imagine the 7 (ROYGBIV) colours of the Rainbow, or the 7 (seven) notes of music (Do/Sa, Re/Re, Mi/Ga, Fa/Ma, Sol/Pa, La/Dha, Si/Ni) one after another, each appearing in the middle of your eyebrows. Pause for a second or two on each with normal deep breathing.

Step 5. When you reach the last note Si/Ni or colour V, you stop there for a little while.

The whole process should not take more than 12 to 15 minutes. You do it, before you are going to do some creative work. You’ll certainly find your PG/Third Eye/Eye of Horus co-operating with you.

You may be wondering why the seven musical notes and/or the seven colours of the rainbow are used in this brain exercise. To our limited knowledge, there is no one more creative than ‘Mother Earth/Nature’. And all her creations, that we find in the Nature around us, are generally perceptible to us through our two main senses: sight (single or a combination of two or more of the seven basic colours) and sound (single or a combination of the seven basic notes). And, our ‘Pineal Gland (PG)’, I’ve mentioned more than once, is our only link with Mother Nature because of its product ‘Melatonin (M)’ – the production of which follows the light-and-darkness cycle. So, what could be better than visualising colour and/or sound for cleaning up (de-calcifying/preventing the calcification process) the PG to ensure tapping the potential of the Third Eye?


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