by Giorgia Ragni
For each step of the sleep cycle, the "Ergo Sum" therapy associates a Goldberg Variation + an original composition made of frequences based on the Fibonacci sequence. Step number 1: Very light Sleep. the brain produces alpha and theta waves and eye movements slow down. The frequences (waves) associated to this step are 3,5-7,5 Hz. This first phase usually lasts from 10 to15 minutes and it is fairly easy to be awaken.
... Definitely the Count constant condition!

Step number 2: Fairly Light Sleep. The brain produces sudden increases in brain wave frequency known as sleep spindles. Then brain waves slow down, the heart beat also slows down down. In this phase the feeling of falling is usually experienced. It is a mechanism the brain activates to check that everything is under control. A sudden stimulus is sent and the mind interprets it as if we were falling. (The frequences are12-14 Hz, they are very low and they prevent awakening)
And there the Count is up again knocking on the wall and begging Goldberg to play the right variation for the occasion!

Step number 3: The Transition. This stage is relatively short. it lasts about 5 minutes and it prepares the body to go through deep sleep.
The brain produces slower Delta waves at this stage.
In this phase sleepwalking may occur.
.....And our Count in his "conscious sleepwalking" is ready for the next relaxing variation to lull him to sleep!

Step number 4: Deep Sleep. It lasts between 20 and 30 minutes. The brain produces even more delta waves and the body moves into a more restorative stage of sleep. It's most difficult to wake up during this stage. This is when the body repairs muscles and tissues, stimulates growth and development, boosts immune function, and builds up energy for the next day.
If we woke up at this stage, we would feel really tired and confused. Sleepless people know this feeling very well and they actually hardly ever get to this stage.
Now we know how the Count must feel and we can appreciate how important is music for him!

Step number 5: Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep. This is the most important and interesting phases of all. Not only because we enter the realm of dreams but also because at this stage the brain is the most active and it works to store and memorize all the information received during the day.
At this point the heart rate and blood pressure increase, and breathing becomes fast and irregular.
REM stage is reached approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep. Once the rem stage is over, another cycle begins. We go through about 5 to 6 cycles per night. As the morning comes, the rem part takes the most part of the cycle, that is why in the morning we often wake up dreaming!
Something our Count has never experienced up entered his life!
Considering the "Goldberg" legend as true, I have to admit that Count Keyserlingk was way ahead for his time. While the public was more and more searching for entertaining music, he appreciated the importance of music and its fundamental role in body and mind wellbeing. Music for him was a meditating, relaxing experience rather than mere entertainment.
About the different roles of music, I think it is crucial to draw a line between two substantial approach in music history.
Before Baroque, where music was used as a medium to reach the divine and through polyphony dig inside to conquer the inner part and ultimately meditate. (for example: Music by Palestrina, Des Prez, Zarlino)
After Baroque, where music was perceived as a circus act, and through the monody: an occasion to show off musical abilities, to impress with musical fireworks, so that the audience could rejoyce in a superficial overburst of emotions rather than reflect on the wonders of the universe and resonate with it. (for example: Music by Haendel, Rossini...)
So I propose a round of applause for Count Keyserlingk!! What I think he was missing though, is the fact that listening to that kind of music needed to be integrated by the counting activity.
The Goldberg Variations act to relax the body and to activate the right side of the brain, balancing the emotional process, while the multiple count over it act to stimulate and activate the left part of the brain, balancing the logical process.
The result is a dialogue between the two emispheres.
The goal of the therapy is to have them both stimulated simultaneously, co-working for the achievement of the same outcome.