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In a musician mind


Performing an instrument presupposes a complex brain activity... controlling, developping and practicing the most appropriate activity, changes the simple performance in a deep wellbeing therapeutic powerfull tool.

Each music language and genre has a specific perculiarity of approach but they all have in common the MODULARITY structure inherent both at music and brain.

As MODULAR I intend something that can be layered on something else building a multitasking process.

Performing a polyphonic composition composed by an early music composer (Bach, Frescobaldi, Palestrina) the musician simultaneously will mentally pronounce:

  1. the notes of the main melody (Tenor)

  2. the notes of the other melodies (Soprano, Bass, Alto, Discantus...)

And he/she will also keep track of the pulse counting:

  1. pulses in the bar

  2. bars

Focused on this simultaneous multitasking activity, the brain rational part is completely absorbed with the consequence of leaving the emotional part in a relaxed state of contemplation.

This kind of meditation stops the anxiety induced from the rational brain side that, in a normal situation, works against the subject pushing the emotional side to produce unnecessary hormons that poison the body.


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