Before researching on the power of music, we first need to define this complex tool shaped by humans both as individuals and societies.
I like to think of music as a phycho-physical non material object in perpetual motion connecting individuals to their belonging groups.
This statement is important to reduce or avoid preconceptions and prejudices considering any kind of music at the same level regardless my personal taste and preference.
An important topic I like to underline is the unavoidable presence of the EGO when humans deals with any tool: composers, performers and even researchers slide often on their EGOcentric intuitions... this is more than natural and obvious because we always inconsciously manipulate any information on which we ground our theories... Ego and intentional manipulations are active today as in the past so our epistemological methodology always need to consider a strong EGO presence in our analysis.
Working for personal advantage rather than the pure love of sharing, the ego action consciously or unconsiously modifies and poisons the potential of music ... that's why I like adding, to historical and scientific sources, social and economical analysis in relation to the contemporary situation of art and music as well as my personal psycho-physical reactions as functional EGO purifier tools.
Every society chooses, creates and shapes his music. Ego manipulation is a natural part of the game and essentially works on a rapid and superficial emotional impact with the audience ... that's why I prefer trascending any aesthetic aspect of music focusing my research on the individual-social relationship in terms of emotional troubles.
Emotions are the ancestral reactions to any situation we face.
The fracture that my work intends to fill is based on a wrong common belief: the power of music dwells in her emotional stimulus.
Well I believe it is just the opposite!
Music as emotional driver is just the well known tool used by the market manipulators to promote and sell musical goods!
I strongly believe that we individually should use music as a synchronizer tool to balance our rational-emotional mind activity.
This is possible re-combinig and re-balancing every music element holding our emotional pleasure beyond any aesthetics, getting aware of the perfect tool for our awareness.