The IV Panchakosha musical sheets is a rigorous process of music purification both for musicians and audience ready to experience the Vijnanamaya status through music.

What targets and creates the Vijnanamaya sheets trascends any approach aesthetical based. It is a process of awareness of the basic neurological musical funcions:
counting beats and bars (multiple counting)
external/internal sound perception internal/external pronunciation of the name of each note performed
real/mental performance of the composition
The musician skills required for a regular audience to experience the Vijnanamaya are very simple and accessible: knowing the name of the notes, the ability of mentally producing a sound, and a basic abitlity of performing on a keyboard or other instruments.
The link below presents the Vijnanamaya DMX (Deep Music Eperience) with Bach's music.

Panchakoshas (Devanagari: पंचकोश, the five sheaths), are the layers of body that seemingly cover the Atman (Self or Consciousness).
